Hi and welcome to the update of my Affiliate marketing diary,  The YouTube video of the latest edition appears is below or if you prefer to read the text version just scroll down.  As I always mention, I recommend watching my videos at x1.5  I sound better at that speed and it also saves you time


Hi Steve here with my regular weekly update into my exploits in the Affiliates and online marketing world.  It’s New Year’s day today, so Happy New Year from down here in The Gambia.  It’s been a slow week on the online side of things.  I’ve been busy with our restaurant down here in The Gambia. Although we’re not particularly involved in the day-to-day running of it, we need to be there as the owners sometimes.

We were there this morning. Last night, New Year’s Eve, we closed at 5:30 this morning. Late to bed last night, so yeah.  Anyway, just a quick roundup of the figures and results I’m having at the moment from the affiliate side of the business. I started in earnest in July of this year, so that’s 6 months worth. First, I had a target of a thousand subscribers by email list by the end of the year. Pleased to say just before Christmas, I hit that, and it’s at about 1,050 at the moment. Most of these are coming from my eBay leads advert on Facebook.

I’ve got a very well-performing Facebook advert running at the moment. Last week, it broke its former record of the total number of new leads in a day at 16. With a £5 a day advertising spend, that’s pretty good. That’s going to be just over $6. The last seven days, it’s got 78 leads, so that’s an average of just over 11 a day at £5 a day. That’s around about 50-51 pence a lead, so somewhere between 60 and 70 cents a lead. More than happy with the way that is performing.

The trend is getting better and better. Obviously, there may come a time when it needs some sort of revamping, but at the moment, it’s fine. My systems are up and running for posting videos and also posting organic content onto all of the social media places. I’m posting a lot of content. It’s not perfect and polished yet, but as my motto is: get it going, then get it good. The most important thing is to take action and then polish things up as you go. That’s the way I’ve always worked, so I can’t see that changing much.

This YouTube channel, I have now got, at the end of December, 10 subscribers. End of November, I think we had four, so building nice and steadily. Happy with that at the moment, building steadily. A nice foundation to move forward into 2024. One thing I need to polish up, I believe, is my email marketing. During this month, January, I’ll be doing a crash course in email marketing strategies. We’re already a couple of days into it and already started learning some handy stuff.

Business is always about continuous learning, continuous improvement. Any business at all, you’ve got to keep up with new trends, particularly in this day and age when technology is coming in all the time. Amazing time really, technologically. It’s an amazing time to be alive. Feel privileged to be here and part of all these changes that are going on.

So, not a lot happened this week. Next week, I’ve got a busy week planned out. That’s about it. Football tonight, soccer depending on where you are. I hope that Liverpool can beat Newcastle and round off my weekend on a high. Thanks for watching and see you next week. Bye.

18 thoughts on “Diary of my exploits in the world of affiliate marketing”
  1. Hi Steve,
    Over 1000 subscribers,that’s awesome! It’s great that you also have a Facebook ad that’s working well and getting you regular leads, good for you! I’m focusing more on organic content and may in the future try some paid ads. As long as it’s still reasonable and contributes to keeping me with in the new emailing rules Gmail and Yahoo have set. And a Liverpool fan!!! Great team! Cheers, look ford to your next post!

  2. Hi Steve! You impressed me by all the accomplishments you have done so far! You did this in only 6 months?! Paid advertising could give really fast results when you know what you’re doing. Keep on the good work! You know what it takes to run a business.

  3. Looks like you have quite a bit going on, I am intrigued by the mention of an Ebay leads advert on Facebook, I would love to hear more about that.

    Also you mention the level of ad spend, but not revenue, so how is it working out for you. I am looking to get into paid advertising shortly and have been told to expect a loss to begin with.

    Thanks for the update, very interesting as usual

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. Oops. Looks like I got my platforms mixed up it’s a Facebook leads ad. Long night new years eve and a few drinks! I’m planning on changing the follow up and engagement on Facebook leads. I’ll elaborate next week. It is a cost at the moment because sales are slow.

  4. “Get it going, then get it good.” I’m writing that down. Love that motto! I can see how that’ll help me focus and just get it done. You’ve made so much progress in six months. I’m really impressed! I’m looking forward to hearing what you learn about writing emails. That’s something I struggle with. But, LOL! I can see how wanting to get it right holds me back. I just need to get it going, then get it good! Look forward to your next post!

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. I think the mentor’s and coaches I’ve worked with all day the same thing. Don’t look for perfect look to move forward.

  5. Hi Steve,

    Congratulations for your results with Facebook Ads. $0.60 to $0.70 per lead is fantastic results. And congrats for getting your first 1000 subscribers. Are you running Lead Ads?

  6. Hi Steve
    Some great results being generated particularly from the facebook ads.
    A great learning for us all that consistency and perseverance are key to generating sustainable results.
    I will following you posts with interest

  7. Hi Steve
    Some great results being generated particularly from the facebook ads.
    A great learning for us all that consistency and perseverance are key to generating sustainable results.

  8. Hi Steve
    Great posting with some great results being generated particularly from the facebook ads.
    A great learning for us all that consistency and perseverance are key to generating sustainable results.

  9. Steve,

    Thanks for sharing your stats for 2023. Seeing your stats helps encourage me to keep trying and success will come. I am enjoying your posts as you put up things you are doing it give me Ideas for the future. I am not where you are at yet but hope to get there soon.

    I would be a big help if would do a deep dive in a blog post or two on how you are going you video content. For me I just started creating video content this week and I’m interested in how others are doing it.


  10. Hi Steve,
    Appreciate you sharing your information and how growth is steadily part of the equation.
    As you mention; it may not be perfect but at least you’re getting it going – and done!
    All the best in 2024!

  11. Well done Steve,
    you managed to get some cheap leads there. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.
    Just wonder about the quality of them, are they engaging with your email content?
    I am not doing FB ads at this moment as I focus on Google ads. Something I need to look closely at in the future.
    Excited for the next post!

  12. Steve, sounds like your Facebook ads are running well. Thats great. I am currently doing organic posting but hope to move to paid ads in the future. What a accurate statement that business is about continuously learning and improving, especially with new technology. Here is to a lot of learning and improving in 2024!

  13. Steve, very impressed with your Facebook lead ads performance. I tried a little in the past but I wasn’t sure how to do it. Did you learn on a course or on Sophie’s training in IPA? I wish you an amazing 2024. Take care. Atif

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