I Just uploaded a short video to my YouTube channel.  In this video, I give  a tip on how to help ChatGPT give you better output and help you find previous “chats” more easily. (There’s a link below).

If you are anything like me, the list of previous chats on the left-hand side of the ChatGPT screen means very little after the first week. So here’s a way to “file” into projects which have a meaningful name. This means that you can, for instance, start using ChatGPT for a certain project by entering your first prompt.

When you receive the response, go to the chat name on the left and change it to something meaningful and easily recognizable. Then, every time you use ChatGPT for that project or aspect of your business, you open that chat and start your new prompt there. This will build up a history of work on this project which will help ChatGPT deliver excellent quality output.

ChatGPT has little memory for items in different chats, but if you group items together like this, memory is not required.

Here’s the video of me putting this into action


Here is the link the the eBook and 50000 ChatGPT prompts 

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